Sept. 7, 2018

E23 - (960) Murder in "Paradise": Yameen Rasheed

E23 - (960) Murder in
Country: Maldives


Episode Twenty-three will cover the murder of a beloved blogger and advocate of freedom. Unfortunately, he was not the only one to ever experience this “treatment”, and he may not be the last one.  


This episode will contain some graphic details and violence.

Please proceed with caution. 




Thanks to the following:

Patreon: Vanessa Squire

Reviews: Brat2020 / TanyaEspanya / Gunnar Nilsson / Heyitshannahger267 / jen_the_mole / Some Kind of Brown Podcast / Werlini / Ellisfam representative

Podcast Promo/Recommendation: Targeted Podcast by Mo Blackwell


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