Jinkies! In this festive yet chilling episode of "Christmastime Mysteries," Josh delves into the shadowy folklore of Krampus. As the nights grow longer and the chill of December sets in, we explore the legend of this fearsome creature, often depicted...
Jinkies! In this festive yet chilling episode of "Christmastime Mysteries," Josh delves into the shadowy folklore of Krampus. As the nights grow longer and the chill of December sets in, we explore the legend of this fearsome creature, often depicted as the dark counterpart to the jolly St. Nicholas. Said to roam the streets during the Yuletide season, Krampus is known for punishing the naughty children, leaving behind a trail of spine-tingling tales. Josh will guide the gang through the origins of this mythical figure, unraveling the ancient traditions and eerie stories that have been passed down through generations. It's a deep dive into a holiday legend that's both fascinating and fearsomely festive!
Then, Shane takes the reins to unravel the haunting mystery of the Christmas Tree Lady. In 1996, a Jane Doe was discovered in a cemetery, her body accompanied by a small, decorated Christmas tree, presenting a scene as heartrending as it was mystifying. This Jane Doe, later identified as Joyce Marilyn Meyer Summers, sparked a perplexing case that puzzled investigators for years. Shane will recount the discovery, the painstaking journey of identification, and the lingering questions that surround this somber holiday mystery. It's a story that intertwines the sadness of loss with the enduring hope of the festive season.
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