Jinkies! In this riveting episode of Mystery Inc, titled "Shambhala's Secrets & The Dark Deeds of Minnie Dean," Josh takes us on an enthralling journey to the mythical Shambhala. Hidden in the mists of legend and the peaks of the Himalayas,...
Jinkies! In this riveting episode of Mystery Inc, titled "Shambhala's Secrets & The Dark Deeds of Minnie Dean," Josh takes us on an enthralling journey to the mythical Shambhala. Hidden in the mists of legend and the peaks of the Himalayas, Shambhala has been a source of fascination and mystery for centuries. Said to be a paradise of wisdom and peace, unreachable by the unworthy, its allure lies in its secrecy and the numerous tales that surround its existence. Josh explores the ancient texts and modern interpretations that continue to fuel the enigma of this lost kingdom. Is it a real place waiting to be discovered, or merely a symbol of spiritual enlightenment? Join us as we trek through history and myth, searching for the truth behind the mystical Shambhala.
Then, Shane delves into the dark and disturbing world of Minnie Dean, New Zealand's infamous 'baby farmer.' With a story that's as sinister as it is sad, Minnie Dean's name has become synonymous with one of the most nefarious crimes in the country's history. Convicted of infanticide in the late 19th century, her case sparked sensational headlines and chilling legends. Shane unravels the grim details of her life and crimes, examining the social context of the era and the series of events that led to her becoming the only woman to be executed in New Zealand's history. It's a deep dive into a part of the past that's both shocking and compelling.
Don't forget to follow the trail of mysteries with us at http://itsmysteryinc.com , where the intrigue never ends. For those insatiable sleuths hungry for more, join our Patreon at http://Patreon.com/itsmysteryinc and unlock our exclusive series, "Unmasked." Here, we reveal even more spine-tingling tales and hidden histories. The Mystery Inc podcast is your gateway to the unknown and the unexplained – join us, and be part of the gang that dares to dig deeper!