Jinkies! Shane embarks on unraveling the dark and complex tale of James Jameson, the heir to the whiskey dynasty. Beyond his well-known family name, Jameson harbored a disturbing fascination with the macabre. His alleged involvement in cannibalism...
Jinkies! Shane embarks on unraveling the dark and complex tale of James Jameson, the heir to the whiskey dynasty. Beyond his well-known family name, Jameson harbored a disturbing fascination with the macabre. His alleged involvement in cannibalism during an African expedition in the 1880s remains a topic of intense debate and horror. Shane delves into the heart of this controversy, separating fact from folklore. Was Jameson a mere observer of cultural practices, or did his interests cross into the realm of the unthinkable? This segment promises to shed light on the lesser-known, shadowy side of a famous figure.
On the other hand, Josh takes us on an exploratory journey to the mysterious City of Nan Madol. Perched on the edge of the Pacific Ocean in Micronesia, this ancient city is an architectural wonder shrouded in mystery. Composed of massive stone structures scattered across a lagoon, Nan Madol's origins and the techniques used in its construction are as puzzling as they are awe-inspiring. Josh investigates the myths, legends, and scientific studies surrounding this enigmatic city, attempting to unravel the secrets of its forgotten past.
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