Jinkies! In this riveting episode of Mystery Inc, hosts Shane and Josh embark on a journey that straddles the line between the tangible and the unseen. Shane delves into the mystical allure of Borobudur, a 9th-century marvel of Buddhist architecture nestled in the heart of Central Java, Indonesia. Through his narrative, listeners will traverse the temple's storied corridors, exploring its spiritual significance and the breathtaking artistry that has captivated scholars and travelers alike.
Switching gears to a more elusive topic, Josh confronts the shadowy enigma of Shadow People. These mysterious entities, often glimpsed in the periphery of human vision, have been a source of speculation and fear throughout history. Combining personal anecdotes with historical evidence and various theories, Josh sheds light on these spectral figures. Are they mere figments of the imagination, or do they signify something deeper in the human psyche or beyond?
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